July 2024 Newsletter

July 22nd, 2024

The 7th Martin-Lysicrates Prize Event

The 7th Martin-Lysicrates Prize Event is at 11am on July 30, 2024, at Riverside Theatres, Parramatta. Those students that cannot attend can view the live stream or view the videos on our website.

This unique event celebrates new Australian plays for children aged 11-14. Students watch, engage, and vote for their favourite play, experiencing the magic of live theatre and the power of democratic choice.

The event is free, ensuring access for all, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Teachers and their students experience a memorable day of drama, democracy, and fun.

Those schools that are unable to participate on the day can still watch the video recordings and vote later. One way or the other, schools should not miss this inspiring event!

So the call to all those reading this Newsletter:

"Do you know a teacher? Tell them about the 7th Martin-Lysicrates Prize Event on July 30, 2024! Free theatre for students to vote and experience democracy in action!"

From a large number of playwrights that submitted the first act of their play, these are the three finalists: Daniel Cullen with his play "Outside Dogs", James Elazzi with his play "Kufa the Hero", and Izabella Louk with her play "'These Youths' be Protesting".

For more details visit the Martin-Lysicrates website.

Annual Celebratory Dinner

A huge thank you to all those generous people who attended the annual celebratory dinner.

The evening was a huge success. We were treated to fine piano playing by Jonathon Holmes, leader of the house jazz band at the Emerald Theatre; and a superb monologue from his adaptation of Sophocles' Antigone by Damien Ryan, Artistic Director of the Sport for Jove Theatre.

Click here to read the booklet that was presented to each person who attended the dinner.

The Sixth Martin Oration

The Sixth Martin Oration will take place on 25th July 2024. This year, the Martin Oration will be given by Bret Walker AO SC

We all know Martin Place in Sydney but who was James Martin?

Find out - a full page on James Martin, the farm boy, the scholar, the journalist, the lawyer, the politician, the Premier of NSW and finally the Chief Justice of NSW can be found here.